Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Still an apprentice in your home business?

By John Wallen

Are you still doing that apprenticeship thing, trying to build that home business? Hitting every coffee joint and approaching strangers, make a little conversation, introduce yourself, then slip in a word or two about your business and then give them one of your business cards? Then casually put some on the tables before you leave?

How about those safelist mailboxes, got them ready to go? Spendng a half hour or so on your subject lines everyday? Don't forget to work on that message on how you can make thousands weekly in this opportunity. Did you know ninety nine percent of the people using safelists never read those? But that's what a apprentice does, meaningless marketing chores.

You shouldn't have to apprentice for years in your home business before having the opportunity to really be successful and fulfill your dreams. But that seems to be happening all to often in the home business industry, taking way to long for many to learn how to network the right way.

I bet if you think back to when you first join your network opprtunity, you didn't think it would go like this and take forever did you? Those marketing chores could be put to better use on things that actually produce much greater results. Your getting no where because of all the wrong things you where told to do.

Maybe today will be different you tell yourself, and then sign up with another waste your time and money traffic website, claiming to send your message to a million opt in people. But that's what the apprentice does every day, then scratch their heads and wonder where are all my new prospects, what am I doing wrong.

Spending time at the beggining, and learning the right way is what an apprenticeship is all about. But your also suppose to figure out when something doesn't work, and is a complete waste of time. But instead to many go and buy another traffic gimmick, and their business never get's built.

All I can tell any home business apprentice that is ready to move on is, building a solid network is possible with only leadership skills. A real duplicatable sponsoring system in your mlm-home business that really works is the only way your business will survive and go anywhere. Quit being the apprentice and move up.

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